

Climate Change and Language

Kusala Institute is committed to easing the language challenges that refugees and migrants face in order to navigate, integrate, and belong. Our Institute provides free access to its unique platform. We’d like you to know why.

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From the Voices of Refugees comes Real Hope

With the global refugee population on the rise, the need for accessible language support is more crucial than ever. Traditional language classes, while valuable, aren’t accessible to everyone. With a special focus on the needs of refugees, Kusala Institute licenses the Latudio app to help refugees beyond the classroom to find their voice in new and unfamiliar surroundings.

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Hope Breaks Down Barriers for Refugees

In 2021, the military took control of Myanmar and it changed the country’s politics, economy, and especially education.
For one person, Nann, it changed her life overnight. With many of her university professors resigning and not wanting an education influenced by the military, she had to rethink her studies.

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Supporting Refugees and Migrants to Safe Harbors of Language Communication

Refugees and migrants’ language learning journeys go beyond mere grammar and vocabulary. Each faces socioemotional factors left by trauma, isolation, anxiety, and discrimination. For individuals like Jemima and Lauranne, every attempt to converse in a second language is not merely an act of communication but a risk of again being marginalized or invalidated.

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Charting New Destinies for Haitian Refugees

Obed is from Haiti and knows the dreams and hopes of his people. But there is a profound gap and challenge. Unlike Obed, where he gradually improved his use of English and became Chapter President of the Internet Society, his fellow Haitians as refugees and migrants struggle with many unexpected situations demanding English proficiency that has left them discouraged.

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The Economics of Learning a Language

Supporting refugees’ language needs as they integrate into their host country is both a moral imperative and the fiscally responsible thing to do. Language is critical for accessing a host of fundamental rights, including healthcare and education. It is also the building block for social and economic success, and allows refugees and immigrants to become productive members of their new communities’.

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